Monday, December 17, 2012


I use oil for almost everything. When i massage I use 100% natural aromatherapy oil.  My fave is the one from Mixology it has cucumber mint and rose oil in it!  The scent is super clean and sexy at the same time.  For my perfume I use Egyptian musk from whole foods, super hippie right?!  Then for my eye make up remover I mix half part olive oil and half witch hazel (both from whole foods of course).  I recommend trying the eye make up remover!  It helps w preventing eye wrinkles because of the super hydrating power of the olive oil.  Or maybe I don't have eye wrinkles because i'm Asian?!  We all look young until 60 then we get hit w the age stick and look 90 the next day.  True story, I've seen this happen to a couple of people in family already!  haha whatevs we all age then die.  C'est la vie ^_^

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