Saturday, December 22, 2012


  • fresh air - try to get some fresh air everyday (pssst, u can kill 3 birds with one stone by getting this while doing your daily cardio and sunshine.  js)
  • sunshine - 20 min a day is perf for your daily vitamin d and it can even give you a pretty tan!
  • good food - veggies & fruits...yes pls!  Stay away from fried, refined sugar, alcohol blah blah blah (there goes your social life haha jk, in the end its always about "everything in moderation")
  • exercise - at least 30 min of sweat sesh a day will keep you sexy!
  • pure water - water w lemon...all day everyday!  Oh, and warm water w lemon first thing in the morning is also a good idea (check out my blog lemon-aid for the recipe)
  • power of mind - meditate and do yoga, if you can medi and yoga everyday, you're definitely gonna be dripping swagu!  haha
  • rest - try to get a least 7-8 hrs of sleep, duh!  haha if you really CANT...4 hours is a must.  Oh, and try not to eat at least 4 hours before bed, this can actually mess with your regeneration process and quality of sleep!  eek.

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