Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What's your "must have" when you know that you're going to have a super busy day?  For me, a cup of red eye or sometimes my healthy shake (see my coffeeholic blog for the recipe),  AND (the star of this blog) my super ginormous bag from lululemon (they come in different colors too, and its super cheap!) with me.  I pretty much put everything in there (water, phone charger, snacks, lots of business cards, girl stuff and whatever I need for that day) so I don't have to go back home and waste time.  I can just go go go!  Awww It's kind of like a grown up version of my gogo gig bag=(  I miss dancing so much.  But, the show called life must go on!  And remember, its always better to be busy than not!  xo
Ps:  For busy dudes, I guess you can rock a murse (man purse, haha) OR a satchel.  hahaha!

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