Friday, December 21, 2012


 "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune.

When life gives you lemons...well, you can actually do some pretty cool things w them!  Besides the obvious, using it as a chaser (dipped in raw sugar) for the amazing chocolate cake shot.  

Here's a couple of DIY involving lemons that will help you save lots of dollars!
  1. face scrub - a pack of raw sugar + squeeze of lemon + cotton ball = amazing exfoliator, exfo at least once a week!  If you break out, pls don't blame me.  haha!  oh, make sure you wash your face with warm-ish water, keep it wet then scrub away.  Then rinse w cold water.
  2. morning cleanse - start your day w a glass of warm lemon water.  This will actually help jump start your metabolism and aid your digestion.  Use 1/2 squeezed lemon in your warm water, then chug.
  3. lighten your hair ala sun in (haha remember that?!?) - mix a cup of lemon juice (that's about 5 lemons) with a 1/4 cup of warm water.  Put it in a spray bottle, then spray on your hair until your hair is damp.  Expose hair to sunlight for about an hour, then wash and condition!  This is perf for already light or ombre hair!
  4. Stain remover - there's so many different ways of doing this.  Just google lemon for stains!  haha!

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