Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hello my names Lily and I'm a caffeine addict.  I'm a biotch before my espresso or red eye (coffee w a shot of espresso-my fave!  With 4 packs of raw sugar)  Haha don't judge!  We all know that coffee is not too bad if you don't over do it or put too much cream and sugar in it.   Coffee is actually a good source of antioxidant if you drink it black.   But since our body always adapt to things, and as years go by w more things to do, a cup of  coffee is never enough.  We end up over doing it more sugar or more than a cup, and this becomes too acidic for our body!  In return were more tired and grumpier.  Its a vicious cycle and super fattening in the long run.  Too much coffee actually makes me want to crawl out of my skin bc im already naturally hyper!  haha
I haven't completely said good bye to my addiction!  But I try not to have more than a cup a day, and I'm trying to cut back on my sugar intake.  Raw sugar or not its still horrible for your waistline!  I've been reading a lot of vegetarian, vegan books and blogs and found all these wonderful alternatives to coffee.  One of my fave is maca powder and bee pollen in my breakfast or lunch shake!  I just blend together  1 banana, a hand full of blueberries, a teaspoon of maca powder and sometimes frozen acai  with coconut water (i love the pink guava flavored one).   After its all blended together, top it off w a teaspoon of bee pollen.  It's pretty good and it will give you lots of energy!  You should try it!  happy blending.  If it doesn't work, maybe its because you don't have vitamix!?!  hahah just kidding.  If its a fail go and get that cup of coffee!  But try not to have coffee in your cream and sugar!  haha take it eeeeeaaaasy chancho!

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