Monday, December 24, 2012

Tis the season to...

Most of us want it ALL.  But we cant always get what we want, especially in this economy.  And may I add that Christmas is not all about the material things, its also about being with family and loved ones.  Be thankful for what you have now,  your health and especially your loved ones.  Money and things come & go.  Family and loved ones are here and sometimes when they're gone its permanent.  So Please, enjoy the important things in life =)

 Ok, enough emo-ish!  Just try to...
 AND always know that...
Now, its time for some mimosa and hors d'oeuvre with my #ratchetfam!  haha

Saturday, December 22, 2012


  • fresh air - try to get some fresh air everyday (pssst, u can kill 3 birds with one stone by getting this while doing your daily cardio and sunshine.  js)
  • sunshine - 20 min a day is perf for your daily vitamin d and it can even give you a pretty tan!
  • good food - veggies & fruits...yes pls!  Stay away from fried, refined sugar, alcohol blah blah blah (there goes your social life haha jk, in the end its always about "everything in moderation")
  • exercise - at least 30 min of sweat sesh a day will keep you sexy!
  • pure water - water w lemon...all day everyday!  Oh, and warm water w lemon first thing in the morning is also a good idea (check out my blog lemon-aid for the recipe)
  • power of mind - meditate and do yoga, if you can medi and yoga everyday, you're definitely gonna be dripping swagu!  haha
  • rest - try to get a least 7-8 hrs of sleep, duh!  haha if you really CANT...4 hours is a must.  Oh, and try not to eat at least 4 hours before bed, this can actually mess with your regeneration process and quality of sleep!  eek.

Friday, December 21, 2012


 "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is a proverbial phrase used to encourage optimism and a can-do attitude in the face of adversity or misfortune.

When life gives you lemons...well, you can actually do some pretty cool things w them!  Besides the obvious, using it as a chaser (dipped in raw sugar) for the amazing chocolate cake shot.  

Here's a couple of DIY involving lemons that will help you save lots of dollars!
  1. face scrub - a pack of raw sugar + squeeze of lemon + cotton ball = amazing exfoliator, exfo at least once a week!  If you break out, pls don't blame me.  haha!  oh, make sure you wash your face with warm-ish water, keep it wet then scrub away.  Then rinse w cold water.
  2. morning cleanse - start your day w a glass of warm lemon water.  This will actually help jump start your metabolism and aid your digestion.  Use 1/2 squeezed lemon in your warm water, then chug.
  3. lighten your hair ala sun in (haha remember that?!?) - mix a cup of lemon juice (that's about 5 lemons) with a 1/4 cup of warm water.  Put it in a spray bottle, then spray on your hair until your hair is damp.  Expose hair to sunlight for about an hour, then wash and condition!  This is perf for already light or ombre hair!
  4. Stain remover - there's so many different ways of doing this.  Just google lemon for stains!  haha!

my clique.

I'm lucky enough to be surrounded with talented, beautiful and smart people who inspires me and I make sure I return the favor!  We are all guilty of being a debbie downer from time to time!  But if you have a consistent debbie d in your life, get rid of that person.  Life is too short to be miserable all time or to be helping out a dd all the time.  They will suck the living life out of you like an energy vampire or a succubus!  haha. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

goofy gifts.

Feeling a little broke this Christmas?!?!  Here's some affordable goofy gift ideas that won't make you eat ramen the rest of 2013!  You better Hurry, you have 4 more days til Christmas!

You can get your drinking bff a large "pill bottle" cocktail shaker (urban outfitters).  A "brass knuckle" phone case for the friend who doesn't know karate haha (amazon)! An awesome "crisp picker upper", nuff said (amazon).  And last but not least, a girls "army knife" its got everything from champagne opener, scissors, sewing kit, mini perfume holder, lipstick mirror and a flashlight (urban outfitters).  This would be a perfect gift for your sassy bff  or fashionistas and dancers!  Hope this was helpful!  I think its hillar and in the end its not about the gift but its the thought that counts!  Plus, you will have a good laugh and make some great memories from it!  If you dont like any of these then happy gift hunting =) 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


What's your "must have" when you know that you're going to have a super busy day?  For me, a cup of red eye or sometimes my healthy shake (see my coffeeholic blog for the recipe),  AND (the star of this blog) my super ginormous bag from lululemon (they come in different colors too, and its super cheap!) with me.  I pretty much put everything in there (water, phone charger, snacks, lots of business cards, girl stuff and whatever I need for that day) so I don't have to go back home and waste time.  I can just go go go!  Awww It's kind of like a grown up version of my gogo gig bag=(  I miss dancing so much.  But, the show called life must go on!  And remember, its always better to be busy than not!  xo
Ps:  For busy dudes, I guess you can rock a murse (man purse, haha) OR a satchel.  hahaha!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Hello my names Lily and I'm a caffeine addict.  I'm a biotch before my espresso or red eye (coffee w a shot of espresso-my fave!  With 4 packs of raw sugar)  Haha don't judge!  We all know that coffee is not too bad if you don't over do it or put too much cream and sugar in it.   Coffee is actually a good source of antioxidant if you drink it black.   But since our body always adapt to things, and as years go by w more things to do, a cup of  coffee is never enough.  We end up over doing it more sugar or more than a cup, and this becomes too acidic for our body!  In return were more tired and grumpier.  Its a vicious cycle and super fattening in the long run.  Too much coffee actually makes me want to crawl out of my skin bc im already naturally hyper!  haha
I haven't completely said good bye to my addiction!  But I try not to have more than a cup a day, and I'm trying to cut back on my sugar intake.  Raw sugar or not its still horrible for your waistline!  I've been reading a lot of vegetarian, vegan books and blogs and found all these wonderful alternatives to coffee.  One of my fave is maca powder and bee pollen in my breakfast or lunch shake!  I just blend together  1 banana, a hand full of blueberries, a teaspoon of maca powder and sometimes frozen acai  with coconut water (i love the pink guava flavored one).   After its all blended together, top it off w a teaspoon of bee pollen.  It's pretty good and it will give you lots of energy!  You should try it!  happy blending.  If it doesn't work, maybe its because you don't have vitamix!?!  hahah just kidding.  If its a fail go and get that cup of coffee!  But try not to have coffee in your cream and sugar!  haha take it eeeeeaaaasy chancho!